
What are ACM-WE Celebrations?

Celebrations are at least one full day events that feature speakers or workshop leaders from diverse backgrounds. They bring together attendees from different European countries (or different areas/schools in the country).

Each celebration is unique, but your event ideally should have speakers, workshops, a careerfair and/or career development/mentoring opportunities. The main goal should be to encourage and inspire woman to join the tech world.

Although all events are different, here are common activities to include in your celebration:

  • Poster sessions (Research).
  • Technical presentations (TechTalks).
  • Industry and graduate school panels.
  • Technical workships.
  • Networking sessions.
  • Hackathon.


Guidelines for Local ACM-WE Celebrations

Here is the complete list of guidelines to make the organization of the Celebration go smoothly!


Do you want to organize a Celebration in your chapter?

You can ask for merchandising such as pins, stickers, medals for a hackathon.

Here is the form to apply for organization.


Contact information

Position: Celebrations Chair ACM-W Europe

Name: Duygu Bektik

Email: acm_w_europe_celebrations@acm.org