Starting an ACM-W Chapter

With the academic year kicking off, it is a great time to consider the opportunity of joining the ACM-W chapters network. According to a recent study, only 27% of the computing workforce are women. By starting a local ACM-W chapter, you can create a supportive environment that encourages diversity and inclusion in computing at your institution or in your hometown.

Professional chapters are platforms for networking, development and collaboration between like-minded individuals from academia, industry, startups and other sectors of computing in the same city. Having a local ACM-W chapter can help reduce feelings of isolation among women and increase a sense of community and belonging. For professional chapters, the chapter’s name typically includes the name of the city, e.g. “Barcelona ACM-W Chapter”, “Trondheim ACM-W Chapter”, etc. You can start a professional chapter in 4 easy steps. The Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer must be ACM Professional Members.

For students, this is a chance to make a difference on campus. The chapter can be a place where women studying computing courses can discuss difficulties they encounter and strategies for addressing them. Being part of a student chapter means being part of a supportive community. No need to mention that starting a chapter also offers an opportunity to develop leadership skills, connect with peers and professionals, and gain access to resources and events that can enhance your academic and professional journey. Student chapters’ names usually reflect the institution they are affiliated with, e.g. “UPV ACM-W Student Chapter”, “Koç University ACM-W Student Chapter”, etc. To start an ACM-W student chapter, have a look at the instructions here. The Chair and Vice Chair must be ACM Student Members. In addition, there needs to be a Faculty Sponsor who is an ACM Professional Member.

Starting and running an ACM-W chapter can be a rewarding experience, and there is a lot of resources to help you navigate the process. I recommend starting with the “ACM Chapter in a Box” guide, which provides comprehensive materials for organizing and maintaining your chapter, including tips on recruiting members, planning activities, and managing. If you are thinking of starting a student chapter or a professional chapter involving academic women in computing, I encourage you to read the 13 tips for creating and sustaining a women in computing group on your campus.

For inspiration and practical ideas, the “One Hundred One Ideas for ACM-W Chapters” publication offers a wealth of activities and initiatives that can help keep your chapter vibrant and active. Moreover, learning from the experiences of other chapters can be invaluable. The Central Ohio ACM-W Professional Chapter has shared their strategies and insights, which can provide guidance and motivation as you navigate the challenges and opportunities of running your own chapter – check out this post from the Central Ohio ACM-W Professional Chapter.

At ACM-W Europe, chapters collaborate as part of the Buddy Programme and participate in activities such the ACM-WE Workshop on Celebrations. Chapters can also apply for ACM-W funding to host a local Celebration of Women in Computing. Moreover, chapter members are eligible for email addresses, a three-month complimentary electronic subscription to “Communications of the ACM” and ACM’s popular e-newsletters.

We look forward to welcoming you to the network of ACM-W chapters in Europe and around the world, dedicated to supporting, celebrating, and advocating for women in computing.

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